Searching for how to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost, you've landed at the right place.

Blogging is one of the best methods to make money online. Whether you are a student, a businessman, a teacher, or belong to any profession, you should start a blog.

If you are a beginner, I would suggest you first read our in-depth guide about blogging and the benefits of starting a blog.

In this article, you will learn easy steps to start a WordPress blog hosted by Bluehost.

To start your blog you need is:

1. Domain name - Much like a nameplate gives identity to your home.
2. Hosting provider (Recommended Bluehost)
3. Blogging platform (WordPress)
4. 15-20 minutes

Let me brief it for you.

What is a domain name?

The name of your space is referred to as a domain name. For eg;,

Tips to choose a perfect domain name:

Choose a domain name that is easy to spell and short. 

Try to include a keyword related to your niche in your domain. 

Niche means the topic on which you will write content. It can be sports, finance, cooking, travel, parental tips, digital marketing, gaming, and so on...

Avoid using other companies name or slogan, they will shut down your blog.

Avoid using numbers or hyphen in your domain it looks scammy.

The next step is to find a hosting.

Hosting Provider

Imagine, the internet is a virtual market, you need to open a blog (shop) in that market. For that, you will need space.

Here come the hosting providers as an agent. 

You will pay an amount and in return, you will get your space on the internet to start your blog for a specific time period. 

There are several hosting providers in the market, all of them promise the best services at affordable prices.

Don't go on words, check the stats and data.

Bluehost is one of the oldest and trusted hosting providers available today. Moreover, it is officially recommended by WordPress since 2005.

Disclosure: I am an affiliate for Bluehost, I may earn a small commission if you sign up through my referral link at no additional cost to you. You will get discounted pricing and a free domain name through my link.

Click here to sign up, then use this tutorial step by step to create your blog.

Benefits of going with Bluehost:

  1. Free domain
  2. Free WordPress installation (no coding required)
  3. Free SSL certificate
  4. Affordable plans
  5. Free CDN
  6. 24/7 customer support
  7. Recommended by WordPress
  8. 30-day money-back guarantee

What is WordPress?

WordPress is the easiest yet most powerful way to create your blog or website.

In fact, 40% of websites running online are powered by WordPress. 

Without any further ado, let's go through the tutorial, step by step.

How to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost 

1. Register your domain name

Once you click the link, you will land on this page.

Now click "Get Started", to move to the next page.

Here you will see four different plans: Basic, Plus, Choice Plus, Pro.

I started my first blog with the 'Plus' plan which was a mistake.

With the plus plan, you can host unlimited websites and also unlimited SSD storage.

But as a beginner, I wasted that time as I was learning about the basics.

So, I recommend you to go with the basic plan at $3.95 per month. Click "Select".

Now, enter your domain in the left side box.

If you already own a domain, enter it in the right side box.

2. Buy a hosting plan for your blog

On the next page, you have to fill in all the required information. 

Here, Bluehost will ask you to choose a package.

If you have a strict budget go with 12 months plan.

But in the long run, it is beneficial with 36 months plan.

Under "Package Extras" you don't need any of them as a beginner.

You can add them later, the decision is yours.

Fill in the payment information, read and accept the terms, and hit "Submit".


Wait, there is one more step - WordPress installation.

3. Install WordPress 

Luckily, Bluehost automatically installs WordPress on your account.

Just login in, click the "Create Site" button on the right-hand side.

Click on the "Start Building" option.

Fill in basic details like the site name, tagline, administration information, and email address.

Now click back to "My Sites" and log in to your brand new blog.

Well done! Welcome to the family!

The next step is to customize your WordPress blog.

4. Install a theme 

A theme is the design of your blog.

WordPress provides thousands of themes both free and paid.

Install a theme as per your niche and the experience you want to give your audience.

Experiment with different themes and you will find your favourite one.

In beginning, the WordPress dashboard might look daunting. But you will be an expert in few days.

To install a theme go to "Appearance" and click on "Themes" on the left-hand side of WordPress.

You will find a "feature filter" to help you find a theme as per your taste.

Click on the theme's thumbnail and it will ask you to "preview" or "install".

Click on "preview" to get a look at your blog.

Happy with an outline, click the "Install" button.

After the installation is complete, click the "Activate" button.

Some of the best WordPress themes are - 

  1. Astra
  2. Divi
  3. OceanWP
  4. Hestia
  5. GeneratePress

5. Add plugins

One of the biggest benefits of starting a WordPress blog is plugins.

Plugins help to add unique features to your blog without any coding skills.

There are hundreds of plugins you choose from.

Go to "Plugins" and click on "Add New" on the left-hand side of the WordPress dashboard.

In the WordPress directory, enter the plugin you want to install in the search box on the right-hand side.

Once the installation is complete, click on "Activate".

Plugins are great but install only the necessary ones.

Adding too many plugins may slow down your blog and affect your reader's experience.

40% of readers leave a website that takes more than 3 seconds to load.

Always check the rating and review of any plugin you want to install.

To help you get started, here are some recommended WordPress plugins you must install:
  1. Yoast SEO helps to make your content SEO friendly and rank on Google SERPs.
  2. OptinMonster helps to grow your email list.
  3. UpdraftPlus allows for automatic backup and stores them in a remote location.
  4. WP Rocket helps to improve the speed of your WordPress blog.
  5. Sucuri one of the best security plugins.
  6. Jetpack by WordPress
  7. Akismet Anti-Spam prevents comment spam and improves efficiency.
  8. Smush Image Compression and Optimization.
  9.  WP Forms 
The next step is the most important.

6. Publish Content

Technically your blog is ready.

But remember, "Content is the King".

The quality of content you will publish would decide the success of your blog.

Even in the time of social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and WhatsApp, Blogs are still prevalent.

The reason is readers trust the content published on blogs.

The content you publish makes your blog authentic and valuable.

Like any other blogging platform, WordPress gives two options - pages and posts.

Pages are static in nature. Mainly all blogs add pages like about us, contact us, disclaimer, and privacy policy.

Posts are published more frequently. New posts appear on the top. 

There is no limit on the number of posts and pages you can publish.

Click on "Posts" to add new posts and on "Pages" to add a page on the left-hand side of the WordPress dashboard.

FAQs About How to Start a WordPress Blog 

Things required to start a WordPress blog in 2021?

To start a WordPress blog in 2021, follow this step-by-step guide:
  • Sign up for web hosting ( I recommend Bluehost).
  • Purchase a hosting plan for your blog.
  • Choose a domain name.
  • Complete registration with Bluehost.
  • Bluehost automatically installs WordPress on your account.
  • Login to your WordPress dashboard and customize your blog as per your taste.
  • Strictly follow a publishing schedule.
Can I start my blog on Bluehost?

Yes, Bluehost is the best place to start your blog in 2021. The reasons are friendly and simple interface, best 24/7 customer support, easy sign-up process, free SSL certificate, and free CDN support. Further, you will also get a free domain name for the first year. And Bluehost is officially recommended by WordPress since 2005.

How much does Bluehost cost per month?

Bluehost's shared hosting plan costs around $7.99 and $23.99 per month. VPS hosting plans start at $29.99 per month and dedicated servers cost $119.9 per month.

For beginners, it may seem costly.

Don't worry, here's the deal.

Bluehost offers an affordable plan at just $3.25 per month.

Is WordPress free to use?

Yes, and are free to use.

I recommend, it is open-source software. You need your web hosting account and a domain name to get started.

How do I optimize my content for SEO?

For WordPress, install a reputed plugin like Yoast SEO, set up Google Search Console and permalinks, check your XML site is perfect.

 How do I generate money from my blog?

The following methods to monetize your blog are:

  • Google Adsense
  • Affiliate marketing
  • Paid guest post
  • Paid review article
  • Sell online course or Ebooks

Conclusion: How to start a WordPress blog on Bluehost in 2021

Firstly, thanks for reading till the end.

I hope you have followed all the steps and started your journey in the world of blogging.

Your blog is ready and it's time to publish awesome content for your audience.

Now it's your turn.

If you enjoyed this article, like, share, and write your feedback about this tutorial.

Want to read in detail about blogging, the difference between blog and website, check this article.

See you soon, have a great day!
- Nilesh