If you are searching for what is a blog, you are at the right place.

This beginner's guide will help you in understanding the differences between concepts of a blog and a traditional website.

We have answered the following questions:

1. What is a blog?
2.Definition of blogging and blogger.
3.Difference between a website and a blog.
4.Blog or website- which one is better?
5.Why you should start a blog?
6. How to write a high-quality blog post?
7.Why you should start a blog?
8. How to write a high-quality blog post?

What is a Blog? - Definition of Blogging and Blogger.

In a nutshell, a blog is a type of website where the content is showcased in reverse chronological order (fresh content appears on top). 

The blog content or entries are referred to as "blog post".

Earlier, an individual or group of people used to run a blog and share the information in a friendly and conversational tone. 

But the time has changed now almost every corporate maintains a blog that produces high-quality content.

The term 'blog' is derived from the term 'weblog' first used in the year 1998.

It is very similar to social media platform like Facebook where new posts crawl on top.

The person who maintains a blog is referred to as a ‘blogger’.

Usually, the content on a blog is published in the form of articles known as 'blog posts.'

A blog is a modified version of an online personal diary.

In this modified diary you could talk about anything and everything.

According to the 2020 year data, there were 31.7 million bloggers in the US alone.

All over the world, the number is more than 570 million bloggers.

For both personal and business, there are many benefits to start a blog.

The main purpose of any business is to attract more customers and sell its products or services.

Just making a website won't get you, potential customers.

Blogging makes your website more visible and ranks higher in Google SERPs.

So, the most important benefit a blog provides is to connect with your target audience and generate leads for your business.

The more quality your blog provides, the higher the profits you can make.

The rule is simple, More Blogs>More Audience>More Sales.

Remember content should have a great call to action (CTA) to make valuable leads.

Call to action (CTA) means your writing should convince the readers to make a final call (Buy the product).

To build towards your blog, focus on a particular niche.

Your blog should have a recall value.

For example - pinchofyum.com stands for a most visited food blog.

Especially for new blogs, it is mandatory to start with one niche (or micro-niche).

Once your blog starts growing, you can expand but it should around the topic.

Suppose you have a gaming blog that focuses only on cricket, you can expand it with other games.

Let's move to the next section on how is a blog different from a website.

Difference between a website and a blog.

A blog is also a type of website.

The irony is all blogs can be a website but not all websites can be blogs.

Let me make it clear for you.

The only difference is that blogs are updated regularly with new articles showcased in reverse chronological order whereas websites are not updated frequently.

Traditional websites are static in nature, more like one-way communication.

The website contains general pages like contact us, about us, disclaimer, and glossary pages.

On the other side, blogs help to increase engagement with the audience, it allows readers to share their opinion in the comment section.

Nowadays, many businesses have combined their blog and website making it more confusing.

For example; h-eduacate.com is a blog and a website.

Hasan Aboul Hasan is the founder of the H-educate.

His website has published both blog and non-blog format content.

In simple words, the website uses pages to display information and a blog publishes articles in organized ways using categories and tags.

Website VS Blogging - Better One

Which one is better - website or blog depends on your requirements.

However, if you want traffic maintaining a blog is mandatory.

Reports have shown that B2B marketers who have blogs get 67% more leads than those who don't.

So starting a blog is like an investment for your business.

Even if you are a professional or artist, making a blog will build your brand.

There are many blogging platforms you can use both free and paid.

But the most recommended one is WordPress, 40% of websites are built using this software.

Pay attention! 

There are two types of WordPress:


WordPress.com is free but has very limitations and you are not the owner of your content.

It is better to go with WordPress.org, it provides thousands of free themes and plugins, full control in your hands without any restriction.

To start your own WordPress.org blog you need-
  • A domain name ( GoDaddy.com)
  • Website hosting account 
  • 10 minutes of your time
Usually, a domain name and website hosting will together cost you around $45 per year.

But for beginners, this seems a lot of money.

Don't worry, Bluehost offers a free domain and huge discounts on hosting.

They are officially recommended by WordPress and one of the most trusted hosting companies in the world.

You can get started at just $3.95 per month ( less than the price of a movie ticket).

Why you should start a blog?

1. It helps to rank your business on Google pages.

2. To share information and views on a topic and establish yourself as an expert.

3. Connect with like-minded readers and turn those readers into leads.

4. Socialize with an online community and build trust with an audience.

5. Improve your writing skills.

6. Set up two-way communication and get immediate feedback.

7. Express your opinions and create awareness in society.

8. Build followers and be an influencer.

How to write high-quality blog posts?

When it comes to structuring, there is no fixed blog post structure. It depends on the niche you are writing. 

Here are some common ingredients of high-quality blog posts:

In-depth research: Always read at least 5 articles related to your topic before you start writing. 

Well structured: Use heading and subheadings wherever necessary to get a flow in your article. 

Easy to read: Use simple words and short sentences. Include a table of content at the beginning of the article to give a better view to readers. Avoid using passive voice.

Bonus: Hemingway app will help you to make your writing clear and bold. It's 100% free to use.

Include Images: Research has shown that images make the information easier to understand. Canva works like wonder when it comes to graphic design.

Grammatical mistakes: No one likes to read an article full of grammatical mistakes. Grammarly will help it out.

Catchy titles: If the title is not compelling, readers may not check out the content.

Include numbers in the title to make it more catchy. For example, 5 ways to make money online in 2021.


Hope you've learned some helpful information and cleared your questions about:

1. What is a blog?
2.Definition of blogging and blogger.
3.Difference between a website and a blog.
4.Blog or website- which one is better?
5.Why you should start a blog?
6. How to write high-quality blog posts?

Stay tuned! The next article is how to start a blog in 2021 (step by step).